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Cape Verde

If you have materials related to wind energy or are involved in the wind energy business in this country please contact the webmaster.

GTZ - TERNA Wind Energy Programme

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH commissioned a wind power turbine with a rating of 150 kW on the Island of Brava in January 1996. The facility operates as a fuel saver with a diesel generator in a very weak isolated grid with a high base load for pumping water. Use of the turbine enables large quantities of diesel fuel to be saved (

Wind data

The following materials are excerpts from the Wind Regimes of Africa a Comparative Evaluation of Wind Data from Selected Countries by Factor 4 Energy Projects GmbH by courtesy of the author Benjamin Jargstorf contact. The study is available on download from this site.

Mindelo (KfW wind park 10 x 30 kW, 1990)

In comparison the wind data from the airport of Praia only yields in a poor wind regime (1978)



Wind forecast

Data presented by Windfinder: Find wind, waves & surf weather, Wind SMS

Sal Praia Mindelo Windforecast Cape Verde